Message from the Principal 19/04/20


Good evening everyone,

I hope that you are all well and are coping as best as possible during the current situation. I’m sure that whilst many of you are making the most of this time with family, you are also keen to get back to some sort of normality. To that end we will be resuming the setting of some school work as of tomorrow. I am really keen to stress however that I don’t want students, parents or staff to get anxious over this. Whilst its important to keep up some learning, time away from the computer is key and staying calm, having some fun and being creative is just as important. When we return to school, teachers will do everything necessary to get your children back up to speed with their learning, so for now just do what you can. 

We will be communicating more over the next few weeks about things like GCSE and A-level grades, home learning for students in all year groups, including some preparation work for students in Yr11 who are going on to 6th form or college, options for those students in Yr9 and transition activities for those coming up from Yr6. In the interim however please remind your child to login to their emails and check in with their teachers regularly.

School will be open again on Monday for the children of Key Workers. I would like to stress however that this is only for students that absolutely need it and is not simply an opportunity for students to socialise. Social distancing will apply as we make every effort to keep staff and students safe. 

Best wishes and stay safe

Nathan Jenkins

Belong. Believe. Be Proud.

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