Students and staff have been thanked by NHS nurses after their efforts to make face masks to help battle Covid-19 topped 1,100

Picture of PCSA Principal Angelos Markoutsas with NHS nurse Lorna Blair

Picture of PCSA Principal Angelos Markoutsas with NHS nurse Lorna Blair

by Jill Dando News team

The students aged 11 to 14 and staff across The Priory Learning Trust schools (TPLT) in Somerset have made them at Priory Community School Academy (PCSA) for local doctors, Weston General Hospital, Musgrove Hospital in Taunton, and the Children’s Hospice South West.
In an amazing community partnership and show of support for the NHS during the coronavirus crisis, PCSA, Worle Community School Academy (WCSA) and The King Alfred School Academy (TKASA) have all been helping out.
Michelle Michael of the Grand Pier have been providing materials as the partnership expands.
Lorna Blair, an NHS nurse in the COVID-19 sector said: “It has been amazing to see the support from The Priory Learning Trust and Priory Community School Academy. 
“Your efforts have made a massive difference in our everyday fight against the virus.”
PCSA Principal Angelos Markoutsas and Head of DT David Clay started the process and with the help of students and the Grand Pier they have been able to satisfy some of the expanding demand.
Angelos said: “It is a monumental pleasure to be able to help out in any way we can. It was a humbling experience to be able to deliver 200 masks to the Children’s hospice South West for staff in Devon, Bristol and North Somerset.”
Neville Coles Executive Principal of TPLT said: ”It is clear that there has been a massive demand for face masks and in the face of a world crisis, our students, staff and community have rallied to help in any way we can.”
Goggles have also been delivered from all the schools to help hospitals in Weston-super-Mare and Taunton.

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